A ‘Tummy Tuck’ (also known as abdominoplasty) removes excess fat and skin and restores weakened muscles to create a smoother, firmer belly. A tummy tuck can also provide a rejuvenated, cuter belly button, and a ‘lifting’ of loose or sagging tissues above the private area. With flatter, tighter muscles and the removal of any excess skin and stretch marks, you can understand why the Tummy Tuck is always in the top three cosmetic surgery procedures that patients request (along with liposuction and breast implants). Results may vary.
Tummy Tuck Consultation
Before choosing any cosmetic procedure at the Cosmetic Surgery Center of Cherry Hill, you will have a private, in-depth consultation with Dr. Back, who has earned a reputation as one of the best cosmetic surgeons in the South Jersey and Philadelphia areas. After an examination, he will review everything you want and need to know, and together you will discuss your goals and his recommendations. You’ll have ample time for questions, and ‘Before & After’ photos of previous patients’ results will be available to help you visualize your options.

Dr. Back makes it easy – click here to make your consultation appointment!
….or you can call (856) 751-7550 to schedule your consultation with Dr. Back today.