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Inverted Nipples

Poorly or inadequately projecting nipples are actually fairly common. Dr. Back often sees women in consultation with this awkward problem. In the more severe cases, the nipple may be inverted and almost “buried” into the breast or the surrounding pigmented areolar tissue. Only one side may be affected. Most of the time, women have lived with this…


Why Look for a “Board Certified Plastic Surgeon”?

A disturbing reality – there are physicians claiming to be “Plastic Surgeons” but who are not. They advertise and promote themselves well, but are they as well-trained and properly certified as you would expect? Plastic Surgeons, the real ones, are certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS Certified). They are uniquely qualified and…


Fun Facts About Baby Boomers!

Are you a baby boomer? It’s very likely that you are  – about 1 in 10 people around today were born between 1946 and 1964. And on average, 1 in every 5 people are older than age 65.  By 2030 – just 13 years from now – all of the baby boomers will be older…


You Might Have Sleep Apnea!

Do you snore loudly? Do you often feel tired, fatigued or sleepy during the daytime? Are you over 50? If you said “yes” to all three, you are medically considered to be at high risk for OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea).  OSA is associated with high blood pressure and a variety of other cardiac problems. Undiagnosed,…


Dangerous Sun Damage While Driving

A St. Louis University School of Medicine study looked at an unusual driving risk – sun damage! Window glass (like a super high SPF sunblocker) protects us by blocking out UVB, the most dangerous of the sun’s rays. However, UVA radiation can still penetrate through the glass. UVA goes deeply into the skin and is…


Red Hair = Increased Risk for Skin Cancer!

An Archives of Dermatology long term study showed that patients with red hair are more often diagnosed with skin cancer at a younger age than those with other hair types. Having red hair was also shown to increase the risk for having multiple skin cancer lesions. The most common form of skin cancer is “Basal…


Look Younger, Live Longer?

A University of Southern Denmark study of nearly 2000 twins came to a dramatic conclusion.  Twins judged by an independent assessor as having a more youthful appearance than their counterparts (i.e. having identical genetic backgrounds but still looking younger) were shown to actually live longer as well!  Twins who looked “young for their age” had…


Amazing Nose Facts!

The average person has a “nasal memory” that allows one to distinguish from about 50,000 different scents!  So it should also come as no surprise that our sense of smell is about 10,000 times more sensitive than our sense of taste!  That’s certainly nothing to sneeze at.  Speaking of which, the air from a sneeze…


What is Gynecomastia?

Many young men develop a small amount of thickened female-like breast tissue during adolescence which most commonly disappears on its own.  But in some, this tissue persists and actually slowly grows in size and density with each passing year.  Unfortunately, men will often refer to this condition (gynecomastia) as “man boobs”.  Gynecomastia can also happen…


Men – Time to Refresh and Rejuvenate Your Look – Without Surgery!

Guys – I’ve got a big news alert for you. That Marlboro man, Clint Eastwood, “rough”, worn down by life look – it’s out. Very out. And it’s been out for a long while now. Sun-damaged, rough, weathered, tough looking skin does not look good on Robert Redford and it doesn’t look good on you…