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You Can Look Fabulous Now With The “Look Fabulous Now Lift”!
Patients having a Look Fabulous Now (LFN) Lift are getting one of the most advanced and finely honed cosmetic procedures available anywhere today. With an LFN Lift, patients find that they are truly able to “turn back the clock”, look and feel years younger, and are ready to start the next chapter in their lives,…
Change The Shape Of Your Face – From Square To Oval – Without Surgery!
Although often felt to be a handsome quality for a man’s face, a square looking jaw is not usually thought to be a desirable feature for a woman. Having a square look to the lower face is definitely more of a masculine look. And having a round, full face can be kind of cute when…
Rhinoplasty – Five Things To Know Before Your “Nose Job”
Everyone deserves to have the nose that they want. But shouldn’t it be the nose that their face wants too? Every face has certain proportions and dimensions that often make the nose stand out because it doesn’t quite fit – this is what usually drives one to seek a rhinoplasty. But exchanging one nose that doesn’t match nicely…
Microneedling Skin Rejuvenation – Five Things You Might Like To Know!
It’s a “natural” method of facial rejuvenation! You’ve already heard all the buzz about microneedling – it is one of the most popular, and one of the most effective facial rejuvenation procedures available in your plastic surgeon’s office today. But did you know that it is a completely non-destructive, almost naturopathic-like treatment that works by…
Breast Implants – Five Things You Need to Know
As our beautiful summer of 2015 draws to a close in just couple of weeks, the number of women coming in to see me about a breast augmentation implant procedure seems to be growing daily! I guess our New Jersey beaches will be seeing a lot of new and better fitting bathing suits next year!…
Get A More Shapely Looking Figure With A Breast Lift!
Many women experience a loss of volume and shape to the breasts after having children, losing weight, or getting a little older. The breasts can look “deflated”, empty, and droopy. Stretch marks might also appear. All this is a result of a diminished amount of breast tissue and fat within the breasts. Simultaneously, the skin…
The Art Of Creating Sensuous, Luscious Lips
One of the most sensual and evocative parts of a woman’s face – the lips. Without saying a single word, subtle constant messages are sent nonetheless. The shape, contours, shadows and fullness of the lips intrigue us and captivate us all at a very unconscious level. Different shades of lipstick, glosses and other techniques to…
Is It Time for an Eyelid Lift? Five Important Signs That You Might Need A Blepharoplasty
Several times a week, people ask you “Are you OK?” You think, “Why do they keep asking me that, I’m fine!” You might even start to get a bit irritated at the question. But look in the mirror. You may have missed something. As time has passed, you developed some extra, hanging, heavy-looking, wrinkled skin on…
Fat Injections For The Face – They Can Be Better Than Fillers, Implants, Or Even A Face Lift!
What better revenge could there be than having the fat removed from somewhere where you really “don’t exactly need it” and putting it to work, restoring a natural smoothness and youthful look to the face? Or perhaps you’d love it if your own fat could be used to give you a fuller, healthier, and lifted…
A Lower Face and Neck Lift – Five Things You Really Should Know!
This is one of the most sophisticated and finely tuned cosmetic procedures available today. A refreshed, rejuvenated look without looking ‘over-tightened’ or weird – this is the goal of the modern facelift. Your facial identity is preserved – you just look fresher, rested, healthier, and happy without looking ‘operated’ on. You just look great, but…