Can “Fat Freezing” Cool Sculpt Treatments Actually Make You Gain Fat?
Can "Fat Freezing" Cool Sculpt Treatments Actually Make You Gain Fat?
Cool sculpt is a popular non-invasive fat reduction treatment which works by freezing your fat (cryolypolysis). But a serious complication side effect has been discovered to be much more common than previously thought - PAH: paradoxical adipose hyperplasia. This is when hardened, thick areas of increased fat deposits develop within the very areas targeted for reduction!
The leading manufacturer of cool sculpting equipment previously reported PAH as rare, with a risk of occurring in 1:4,000 treatments. But a July, 2018 research report in the industry standard journal Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery concluded that the risk is much higher – as much as 1:138 treatments!
Strawberry Laser Lipolysis is a noninvasive fat reduction treatment which stimulates fat cells to empty – without freezing, heating, or injury to any body tissues. The procedure is completely non-painful and the fat reduction occurs similarly to the way diet and exercise work. PAH has never been reported following any Strawberry treatments.
Strawberry Laser Lipolysis
Cool Sculpt Cryolipolysis
$1500 - $2000
$3000 - $5000 (Average Liposuction Cost - $3000 - $5000)
Treatment Pain/Discomfort
Painful, Uncomfortable
Treatment Time
15' - 30'
1 Hour + Per Area
Short-Term Post Treatment Issues
Bruising, "Hickies", Discoloration, Numbness, Pain
Post-Treatment Downtime
Fat Cells Empty/Shrink
Similar to Diet/Exercise
Promotes Increased Fat Metabolism
Tissue Is Killed By Cold, Creating Fat Necrosis (Wounds) Under the Skin.
Does Not Increase Metabolism
See Results
3 - 4 Weeks
3 - 4 Months
Long-Term Post Treatment Issues
Numbness For 2 - 3 Months +
Irregular Fat Patches
Bumpy Contours
Safety For All Skin Types
? - Can Cause Pigment Changes In Skin
Advertising Budget
Must Have "Pliable" Fat
Not Required
Necessary So That Fat Can Be "Sucked" Into Vacuum Applicator
Paradoxical Adipose Hyperplasia-
Hard Fat Deposits/Increased Fat After Treatment
Never Reported
Risk: 1/138 Treatments