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Patient #: Susan B.

Procedure: RHA Into the Smile Lines, Laugh Lines, and Corner Creases

Patient #: Jennifer A.

Procedure: RHA Into Smile Lines, Laugh Lines, and Corner Creases

Patient #: Tasha T.

Procedure:  RHA Into Lipstick Lines, Smile Lines, Laugh Lines, and Corner Creases

Patient #: Cathy C.

Procedure:  RHA Into Lipstick Lines, Smile Lines, and Laugh Lines

Patient #: Asma A.

Procedure: RHA Into Smile Lines, Laugh Lines, and Corner Creases

Patient #: 67282 – Lydia K.

Procedure: Juvederm To The Lips

Patient #: 67281 – Wendy D.

Procedure:  Juvederm To The Lips

Patient #: Clancy R.

Procedure: Juvederm To The Lips

Photo courtesy of Allergan