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Patient #: 67290

Procedure: Look Fabulous Now Lift, Lower Eyelid Lift, Fat Injections to the Cheeks, Laser Skin Resurfacing

Photos: Preop, 1 week postop, 1 month postop

Patient #: 67286

Procedure:  Fat Injection Sculpting to the Nasojugal Folds/Orbital Rim

Photos: Preop, 1 week postop, 1 month postop

Patient #: 67266

Procedure: Look Fabulous Now Lift, Upper Eyelid Lift, And Fat Injections To The Lips

Patient #: 67264

Procedure: Fat Injections To The Cheeks, Nasojugal Folds, And Lips

Patient #: 67262

Procedure: Fat Injections To The Cheeks, Nasolabial Folds, MLF, And Lips

Patient #: 67261

Procedure:  Look Fabulous Now Lift, Fat Injections To The Lips

Patient #: 67250

Procedure: Blepharoplasty (Lower), Fat Injections to the Cheeks, Nasojugal Folds

Patient #: 67246

Procedure:  Look Fabulous Now Lift, Blepharoplasty (Upper), Fat Injections to the Lips