You Can Look Fabulous Now With The “Look Fabulous Now Lift”!

Patients having a Look Fabulous Now (LFN) Lift are getting one of the most advanced and finely honed cosmetic procedures available anywhere today. With an LFN Lift, patients find that they are truly able to “turn back the clock”, look and feel years younger, and are ready to start the next chapter in their lives, renewed and refreshed but in a normal, natural, pleasing way. Imagine simply being told, “You look absolutely great, what have you been up to? Lost weight? New diet? Botox?” LFN patients might come in wanting to look younger, but they usually leave with something far more important – they look happier! Many patients say that they had not realized until comparing their before and after photos’ how tired and sad they seemed to look beforehand, but then so invigorated and happy appearing post-op. What a great feeling! LFN patients still look like themselves – their facial identity is preserved – just better! No one can really “tell” why. Surgery – a special type of facelift – is the last thing people might suspect. That’s something any patient would want. And that’s just the way the top plastic surgeons want it too! As one recent patient quipped when recommending it to one of her friends “Be prepared for the compliments”!

No one wants an overpulled, overdone and unnatural look; the face drawn too tight, the lips pulled back, the eyebrows up too high and just… just not normal looking – a clear signal that someone’s had too much of “some kind of plastic surgery”. Sadly, we’ve all seen this too many times with certain celebrities who just want everything pulled as tight as possible, never mind that you can’t recognize them anymore! That is not good cosmetic surgery. That is not a good facelift. Who would want a facial rejuvenation procedure that makes you look like you’re someone else? Who would want to look like someone who had surgery – a lot of surgery – trying too hard to look too young – but not really younger looking in the end, just actually looking a bit odd? The overdone facelift is still the goal of some surgeons, and still an odd affectation for some in Hollywood. But this should be a thing of the unsophisticated cosmetic surgery past. The overtightened, obvious, old fashioned, hours and hours in the operating room, crazy expensive, lots of surgery, weeks long recovery facelift is quite literally the exact opposite of what we typically achieve with a naturally beautiful and elegant LFN Lift. Unfortunately, and even more importantly, there are many plastic surgeons who do not even do all the important rejuvenating steps done in every LFN Lift, despite charging thousands more! Looking better, looking younger, looking healthier, looking well rested and invigorated, looking refreshed and best of all – looking and feeling happier but still looking like you – this is the goal of a properly done facelift! And this is the LFN Lift – a legitimate and real procedure with real and long-lasting results, not some crazy “threads” that fail to lift, but are forever under your skin. Not multiple sessions with some radio wave magic wand tightening that never materializes. Real, time-tested, satisfying, successful facial rejuvenation but without exorbitant expense, long surgery or a tough recovery. How can that be? Read on – there are many advantages to this amazing procedure.

When a surgeon proposes an operation for a patient, for any type of surgery, patient comfort and tolerance is obviously a high priority and is always an important consideration. There are so many operations being done today with “twilight anesthesia” or pain blocks, often in combination with local anesthetic. Years ago, all operations were all done under a full general anesthetic, i.e. with the patient completely knocked out. Why the change? As technology and techniques advanced, the procedures became less invasive, less painful, more sophisticated, and general anesthesia became less and less necessary. So the direct benefits of a more gentle procedure generally make for a safer procedure, an easier, quicker recovery, less potential complications and overall better results. The indirect benefits are those very same benefits – now magnified even further because general anesthesia is no longer necessary. No general anesthesia also makes for a safer procedure, and an easier, shorter down time. A quicker procedure too – having anesthesia adds in extra time to every case, including the time to get you to sleep, time to wake you up, etc. And every extra minute adds extra expense. No anesthesia means less nausea, no coughing (terrible for incisions!), no sore throat, and none of that “been hit by a truck” feeling once you fully wake up! And the financial savings realized are substantial when general anesthesia is out of the picture; typically reduced by as much as 50%! This is part of what the LFN Lift has accomplished for patients. Sophisticated operative techniques and unique local anesthetic blocks allow patients to have their LFN Lift without general anesthesia. They are completely comfortable, typically falling asleep on their own because they are so relaxed and feeling nothing, as their facial rejuvenation procedure safely and satisfyingly proceeds. Within about two hours then gently awakened from their nap this is a done deal – within minutes they are ready to go home!

During a typical LFN Lift, liposuction of the neck and jawline is performed, getting rid of any fat causing neck fullness, a “double chin” or a “waddle”. Then, a special muscle tightening is created under the chin and jaw to restore a firmer “right angle” to the contour of the neck (platysmaplasty) and make a nice tightening and firming up of the neck skin. The deeper, supportive muscles of the sides of the sides of the face are also tightened with special sutures to lessen any degree of jowling (SMAS plication) as much as possible. This effect is enhanced by the lifting, smoothing and tightening of the skin along the jaw and up across the cheeks for a restored, rejuvenated, refreshed look and a smoother, cleaner jawline. Inconspicuous incisions, mostly behind the ear, the rest hidden in the small folds that tightly follow the nooks and crannies in the front, are closed with dissolvable, clear (see through) sutures. Patients are placed in a conforming, mildly compressive dressing wrap after the procedure to minimize any swelling or bruising. This single dressing is removed in 24 – 48 hours. The after care is really simple from that point on. Most patients feel that they look socially presentable in about 7 -10 days.

The simplicity of the LFN Lift lends itself to patients being able to safely add in supplemental rejuvenation treatments needed to address any other concerns they might have. Many patients will have an upper and lower eyelid lift, or a brow lift at the same time. Fat injections for the cheeks or the lips, even laser resurfacing, are commonly added in for that extra special finishing touch! The recovery and aftercare turns out to be just about the same as for a Look Fabulous Now Lift alone. While you’re feeling good, relaxed, and the entire face is already numb, it’s great to have everything done at once – one day out of your schedule, one recovery, less expensive, and looking good!

Dr. Lyle Back is originally from New York City, receiving his medical and surgical training at Rutgers Medical School, Cooper Hospital – University Medical Center, and Ohio State. He is Board Certified in General Surgery (ABS) and Plastic Surgery (ABPS). He is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (ACS), the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery (AACS), and a longstanding member of the premier American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). He served as a Professor of Plastic Surgery at Temple University and St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children and performed reconstructive surgery with “Operation Smile” in Vietnam. He specializes in the full range of the most modern and state of the art facial cosmetic surgery procedures and non-surgical cosmetic enhancement techniques available today.