Articles by Dr. Back

Check out the most popular articles written by Dr. Back that people like to read:


Change The Shape Of Your Face – From Square To Oval – Without Surgery!
Although often felt to be a handsome quality for a man’s face, a square looking jaw is not usually thought to be a desirable feature for a woman. Having a square look to the lower face is definitely more of a masculine look. Read more…


The Diagnosis, Causes And Treatment Of “Gynecomastia” In Men
Gynecomastia is the development of female-like breast tissue and enlargement of the chest/breasts of a male. Both men and women are born with breast tissue, but this tissue stays very rudimentary and minimal in the male chest.  Read more…


Rhinoplasty – Five Things To Know Before Your “Nose Job”
Everyone deserves to have the nose that they want. But shouldn’t it be the nose that their face wants too? Every face has certain proportions and dimensions that often make the nose stand out because it doesn’t quite fit – this is what usually drives one to seek a rhinoplasty.  Read more…


Here are other articles written by Dr. Back on various topics in Cosmetic Surgery that we thought you would enjoy.


Topic: Face


Microneedling Skin Rejuvenation
When you first hear about Microneedling, it sounds like some ancient, secret skin rejuvenating technique, used for centuries to smooth the skin of the rich and powerful royalty in ancient Rome, Egypt or China.  Read more…


Botox – Headache And Migraine “Cure”?
Botox®, cleared for medical use by the FDA in December 1989, just celebrated its 25 year anniversary! That’s 25 years with an incredible track record for the successful and safe smoothing of facial wrinkles in millions of patients.  Read more…


To read more of Dr. Back’s articles about the Face, click here.



Topic: Breast


Breast Implants – Five Things You Need To Know
Which is better: saline or silicone? There is no right or simple answer. A saline breast implant is placed completely empty inside the sculpted, customized pocket surgically created for it – then filled directly from an IV bag (i.e. IV saline) – sort of like building a ship in a bottle.  Read more…


Get A More Shapely Looking Figure With A Breast Lift!
Many women experience a loss of volume and shape to the breasts after having children, losing weight, or getting a little older. The breasts can look “deflated”, empty, and droopy.  Read more…


To read more of Dr. Back’s articles about the Breasts, click here.



Topic: Body


Can A “Strawberry” Melt The Fat Away?
The world of non-surgical body contouring is about to explode! Advances in technology have now enabled plastic surgeons to help more people than ever before to achieve their body reshaping goals – but not in the operating room! This is done right in the office. Walk in, walk out.  Read more…


The Brazilian Buttock Lift – Five Things You’ve Always Wanted To Know
We use your own body fat to fill out, plump up, shape and lift the buttocks. But we need more fat than you think! Imagine this: Step one – the fat you hate is removed and sculpted away from every place on your body where you have “a little too much” through some simple liposuction.  Read more…


To read more of Dr. Back’s articles about the Body, click here.



Topic: General


Why Is Smoking Before Surgery So Dangerous?
You know that there is absolutely nothing except a wide variety of some very nasty “bad things” that will inevitably come along to those who continue to smoke, right?  Read more…


After Your Procedure: Tips For Better Healing And A Smoother Recovery
Discontinue any medications/supplements which can tend to increase swelling and bruising for 2 weeks before and for 2 weeks after your procedure.  Check with your doctor for a more complete list but you should completely avoid…  Read more…


To read more of Dr. Back’s articles about General Plastics, click here.



Topic: Special Interest


Cosmetic Surgery For Teens – Is It The Right Thing To Do?
Is cosmetic surgery for teenagers ever appropriate? The answer is yes–sometimes. In some situations it is appropriate, in others, no. Careful consultation and discussion, and often multiple appointments involving the whole family are really necessary to make that determination.  Read more…


Plastic Surgery Tips – How To Minimize Scars
Plastic Surgeons are in a constant battle with scars. Most of the time we actually win. We have a lot of tricks to keep them small, hidden and (hopefully) as close to invisible as possible. But we also have some time-tested methods that our patients need to know and they need to utilize for the best results.  Read more…


To read more of Dr. Back’s articles on Special Interests, click here.



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